Parallel Evolutions in Italy

The exhibition is up! Some words from the curator, translated loosely from Italian...

“Lucca Center for Contemporary Art in partnership with Lucca Comics and Games Festival present the art of Rick Berry and Phil Hale with several oil canvas and three site-specific pieces. The exhibition is intended as a small homage to a creative collaboration ...

Parallel Evolutions is a little show with a big ambition. It aims to portray the work of two artists who are emblematic of the fluid, shifting nature of contemporary art. Moving from illustration to fine arts, mixing references to pop culture and renaissance painting, employing digital techniques at the same time as classical oils, experimenting in collaborative works as well as following personal paths, Rick Berry and Phil Hale were chosen as duo to represent the spirit of evolution and growth.”


Seeing in the Dark:The Figurative Works of Rick Berry

Sharon Arts Exhibition Gallery, Peterborough, NH

Aug 7 - 30  Opening Reception, Aug 7th, 5-7pm

Artist Talk, August 22nd, 4:30-6pm

Sharon Arts announces an exhibition of large oil paintings and charcoals of Rick Berry—fine artist; pop culture illustrator for comics, gaming, books: and pioneer in new media (first digital cover painting for a novel worldwide, Neuromancer by William Gibson). His diverse experience ranges from provocative solo exhibits for Tuft’s international symposia on global issues; acting as Keanu Reeves’ cyber-stunt double for Berry's award-winning CGI climax in Columbia TriStar’s Johnny Mnemonic; paintings for collector editions of Stephen King novels; to his current residency with OperaBoston. Sparrow and Double Memory, two books of his art, are available on

 “A stunning painter whose brush strokes simultaneously invoke movement and emotion...compelling" writes Linda Laban in Metro Boston. There is a uniquely ethereal quality to the work with room for viewer collaboration. Berry states, “My goal isn’t to create a finite image. I value the viewer’s sophisticated response to create a shared wavelength, giving the work added meaning and opening up dialog.”

Without models, photos, indeed any external references, Berry manages to draw and see things with such convincing clarity that it approaches clairvoyance. It's as if he can see in the dark. Come see why.

Gallery Hours: Open Tues-Thurs 10-5, Fri-Sat 10-6, Sun 11-4, closed Mondays


Scarecrow in Oz

Ozspirations: New Art Inspired by The Wizard of Oz

Rick Berry's, Scarecrow, was in the juried exhibition honoring the 100th anniversary of L. Frank Baum's classic book series at New England School of Art & Design at Suffolk University, Boston.  This thought provoking exhibit asks how we interpret characters and story in light of modern day realities and includes the work of 30 artists selected from world wide submissions. Berry's work "uses the scarecrow as icon on several levels to explore social and psychological issues surrounding eating disorders in this land of plenty where body image is dictated by the media." Sadly, those who try to meet that fantasy may live a dangerous reality.


Being There

Rick Berry's solo exhibition, Designer Beings: the Anatomy of Presence is highlighted in Boston Metro—

Being There

"Boston-based artist Rick Berry is well known as a renegade in the art world, one who designed the cover art for William Gibson’s groundbreaking cyberpunk novel, “Neuromancer.” And, while designing the “extraction” sequence in the much-underrated “Johnny Mnemonic,” he also “body doubled” for Keanu Reeves in the computer-generated choreographed graphics. Discover Berry’s other side, a stunning painter whose brush strokes simultaneously invoke movement and emotion, at “Designer Beings: The Anatomy of Presence,” a compelling exhibit of the Tufts teacher’s paintings showing at Newton Free Library Gallery daily, 9 a.m.-9 p.m., through Oct. 30. Call 617-796-1360" Linda Laban


Present Tense - A Drawing Show

Director Sand T and ArtSPACE at 16 continued to highlight the significance of the fundamental medium of drawing through this exhibition. Juror Heidi Marston wrote "Drawing is the most immediate expression of a is a universal form of communication." Works selected from Rick Berry were Dancing Mug, red chalk and Bad Robin, oil stick. The opening reception was held on July 8, 2006 with a gallery talk lead by Marston, followed by artist talks.

click for images from reception
click for news article

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