Silver Award for Amanda Palmer’s Cabaret Art by Rick Berry

Exciting news this weekend by way of Thanks for posting Irene! “…The 2010 Society of Illustrators awards are starting to leak and Rick Berry has received a silver medal for his work on Amanda Palmer’s production of Cabaret. I believe the word is, “Woohoo!” Rick’s paintings have appeared on countless science fiction, fantasy, and comic books, including Sandman, Stephen King novels, and the first digitally painted book cover for William Gibson’s Necromancer. Over the years Rick has split his time between illustration, galleries, and paintings for theatrical performances. Throughout, his work maintains a sense of otherworldliness,  a searching feeling of almost being there.” read Irene Gallo’s full blogpost about Rick’s Cabaret art

Cabaret Emcee Amanda Palmer, previewed by Neil Gaiman

“My old friend Rick Berry is painting a breathtaking portrait of Amanda Palmer as the MC in Cabaret”.
Neil Gaiman and  friend, “Super Kate”  visited the studio last night for the first look at Willkommen—Amanda Palmer as Emcee in Cabaret. Rick’s current collaborative project is paintings for the American Repertory Theater’s CABARET, starring  Amanda Palmer and directed by Lexington’s Steven Bogart. I think Rick’s works belongs to the continuum of cabaret and theater art which he loves (think Toulouse Lautrec, Leon Bakst, Egon Sciele). The difference is his work isn’t meant to be seen outside the theater as posters, illustration or even reportage of actual events, Rick’s art is inside the theater as part of the Kit Kat Klub experience. His paintings contribute to the unique immersive and visceral quality of Palmer’s CABARET. This will be a fantastic production! 42 performances in Cambridge, MA Aug 31 – Oct 29. Click here for details and tickets. Sept is almost sold out! Photos courtesy of Neil Gaiman twitter last night
“Super Artist Rick Berry in his lair, Super Kate on the right”