Amanda Palmer, Neil Gaiman, and Anthony Martignetti

The year long collaboration with Amanda Palmer and the Grand Theft Orchestra came to an exciting close a few weeks ago with their final concert right here at Boston’s Paradise Lounge. We had a great time, later visiting backstage with still newlyweds, Amanda Palmer and Neil Gaiman. The couple are making their home in Cambridge. Many may know that Amanda has blogged about canceling tours due to standing by a very sick friend.

  This special long time friend happens to be a new author. Rick and I were fortunate to attend his book launch of Lunatic Heroes. just before Thanksgiving. Anthony Martignetti read 2 of his witty yet hard hitting stories, peppered with familiar Boston Italian / Catholic expressions and accents. Neil read from his novel to be published next year, The Ocean at the End of the Lane. So now we have to wait to know what happens! Amanda read her forward to Lunatic Heroes, and entertained us with ukulele and song. She was joined for a song by surprise musical guest, Jason Webley. In a rare appearance fully clothed, she looked beautiful in a 40’s style dress, perfect attire for her duet with Neil of that old favorite  “Making Whoopee”  Sweet! I just finished Lunatic Heroes and Rick’s grabbed it from my hands – raw, comic, real -recommended! The paintings for this art exhibition series and book project will be returned to the invited artists early 2013. There is talk of an art auction, or paintings will be available for sale directly from the artists. When more information becomes available, we’ll send out a blog. If you want to be on preferred list, send me an email. Happy Holidays! Sheila
Neil Gaiman pre-concert, Rick Berry portrait of Amanda Palmer on wall
and in the book
"Berlin" without her bicycle
Amanda Palmer and the Grand Theft Orchestra perform their August art show at the Middle East Club in Cambridge
photo by Luke Berry

Art at True Grounds Cafe

NEW! Small Rick Berry paintings available! SPECIAL HOLIDAY PRICES If you are in the Boston area, please stop in to see Rick’s series of new smaller oil paintings at True Grounds Cafe…and have a wonderful snack or meal at the cafe voted one of top 10 by USA Today. Exhibition up through December. Please click on thumbnails below for pricing and details. Online sales – Contact me at Thanks for taking time to view the new work – comments welcome!   717 Broadway, Ball Square Somerville   7am-6pm M-F/ 8am-6pm Sat+Sun