“Rumour” by Rick Berry © 2011, is an original oil painting on gessoed museum board, 5 x 7” (wood frame 7.5” x 9”) Bidding for this painting is open at just $60! to benefit Invisible Childrens Project.

HAND + HEART Charity Auction features work by several community artists, Buckingham Brown & Nichols high school art faculty and their students to raise money for 4 IMPORTANT charities selected by the students. The silent auction is ongoing by email ltangusso@bbns.org or in person until the Closing Reception this Friday when you can speak with some of the artists and place final bids.
HAND + HEART Closing Reception 3 -7pm this Friday, Dec. 9th.
BB&N Upper School Gallery is free, open to all, and wheelchair accessible.
80 Gerry’s Landing Road, Cambridge MA 02138 617-547-6100 (main office)
Rick Berry will donate 100% proceeds of his sale to INVISIBLE CHILDREN PROJECT. Our daughter and other students at BB&N, learned about how this project works to expand the radio tower early warning network in central Africa (esp Congo). These towers provide a desperately needed warning to villages when the Lords Resistance Army (LRA) are on the move. LRA massacre families in rural African villages and abduct children forcing them to be members of LRA—training them to kill others for their own survival. Our daughter feels very strongly about the importance of their work and will continue to donate her time and talents to help. She talked to Rick about this and together they selected this painting to offer for auction.
I hope you will consider bidding for this lovely jewel and help those families. The bidding is beginning low to give students a chance to start personal collections but the goal is raise as much as possible to help INVISIBLE CHILDREN project.
If you are in the area, please come in to see ALL the wonderful work for auction and hear about the other charities. Thank you! Sheila, Rick and KL
PS If unable to reach the school for any reason, or if you prefer, you can place bids with me by email and the time stamp will determine the winner. Thanks, sheilaberry@braid.com